Page Layoutfancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

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fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by ajmal88 »


I am new on this forum and new to LaTeX. I am trying to type my final year project in BEng (hons) in LaTeX. Could anyone tell me how I can get a borderline on top of my footer?

I am using fancyhdr to create the header and footer. I am getting a borderline on the header, but not on the footer.

This is what I have so far :

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\usepackage{textcomp} %gives the copyright sign which is used in line 12
\usepackage{mathptmx} %this package will give Times New Roman
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % intented to make header and footer
\lhead{Author: Ny name}
\chead{Student ID: My student ID}
\rhead{\thesection} % want to display the current section here, but doesn't work atm
\lfoot{\textcopyright UWE Bristol}
\cfoot{UAV Simulation Using Matlab/Simulink}
\rfoot{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
\author{My name}
\title{UAV Simulation Using Matlab/Simulink}
This report investigates the simulation of an UAV created in Matlab R2011a Student Version.
\item Plot the trajectory of the UAV on a graph to see how the UAV "moved" in the air
\item Interface the simulink model with the Flight Gear Simulator to visualize the UAV
\item Build an Autopilot to control the UAV.
\item Build a model in Simulink that will simulate the vehicle.
\subsection{Background Information}
\subsection{How does UAV's Work}
\section{Literature Review}
Could someone also tell me what sort of font is the best suited for a bachelor project?

Thank you for your help.

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fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by localghost »

The fancyhdr manual (p. 6) suggests something like this.

Code: Select all


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Re: fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by ajmal88 »

Thank you Thorsten! It worked :)

Is there any partiular font you/someone else would recommend ? I am trying to figure out if there is any other that is better than Times New Roman. I have heard that Minion Pro is suppose to be good?
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fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


welcome to the board!
ajmal88 wrote:Could someone also tell me what sort of font is the best suited for a bachelor project?
That's a good question. Besides improving reading comfort, if you choose a font wisely, a reader may trust your work more and the project can have a serious appearance.

A bit funny, but drastically explaining what I mean: here is a fact written in different fonts - which one would you believe and trust, if there would be even different facts?
font-comparison.jpg (20.21 KiB) Viewed 16182 times
It's from a blog post by Errol Morris.

I hope that you would choose the version in the middle. Serifs are serious. And a serif text is easier to read, compared to sans serif. Just for the headings, which are already heavy because they are big and bold, I would choose sans serif, which is a bit lighter, here serifs don't matter for me.

Times Roman is already good. You could test txfonts which is also a Times font, or newtx.

Another alternative is Charter with math support:

Code: Select all

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Re: fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by ajmal88 »

Hi Stefan!

Thank you for your reply, really appreciate it. Even though my University has told me to use Times New Roman I am sure I can use one which is better, if I can find one. The most important is that it looks good on paper and makes the document more comfortable to read. I will test out your suggestions.

Kind regards
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fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by cgnieder »

Stefan_K wrote:Times Roman is already good.
Robert Bringhurst would probably disagree ;) . Citing from his well-known “Elements of Typographic Style” v3.2 p 96:
If there is nothing for dinner but beans, one may hunt for an onion, some pepper, salt, cilantro and sour cream to enliven the dish, but it is generally no help to pretend that the beans are really prawns or chanterelles.
When the only font available is Cheltenham or Times Roman, the typographer must make the most of its virtues, limited though they may be.
That being said I'll add my own opinion: I quite like Linux Libertine and its sans serif companion Linux Biolinum. I also like Minion Pro a lot (that's the font Bringhurst set the “Elements” with, by the way).

Here's an example of Libertine & Biolinum:
libertine.png (32.17 KiB) Viewed 16173 times
This is Minion Pro together with Lucida Sans:
minionpro_lucidasans.png (33.65 KiB) Viewed 16173 times
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fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by localghost »

ajmal88 wrote:[…] It worked […]
So if the primary problem is solved, please close the topic by accepting the answer that led you to the solution.
ajmal88 wrote:[…] Is there any partiular font you/someone else would recommend ? I am trying to figure out if there is any other that is better than Times New Roman. I have heard that Minion Pro is suppose to be good?
Actually this is not related to the primary problem and you should not mix up different topics in one thread. But now that the discussion has started, we'll keep it together here. But please keep that in mind for the future.

My suggestion would be to take a look at the »The LaTeX Font Catalogue« which lists fonts for (PDF)LaTeX. For access to the fonts of your operating system consider to use XeLaTeX (or LuaLaTeX). Note that this would need some significant modifications to your document(s).
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Re: fancyhdr | Horizontal Line above the Footer

Post by ajmal88 »


Sorry for that, I just thought that it was just another small question so might as well ask here instead of starting a new topic. I will be more careful next time about this.

Kind regards
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