I am new on this forum and new to LaTeX. I am trying to type my final year project in BEng (hons) in LaTeX. Could anyone tell me how I can get a borderline on top of my footer?
I am using fancyhdr to create the header and footer. I am getting a borderline on the header, but not on the footer.
This is what I have so far :
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report}\usepackage[english]{babel}\usepackage{textcomp} %gives the copyright sign which is used in line 12\usepackage{mathptmx} %this package will give Times New Roman\usepackage{fancyhdr} % intented to make header and footer\usepackage{lastpage}\fancyhf{}\lhead{Author: Ny name}\chead{Student ID: My student ID}\rhead{\thesection} % want to display the current section here, but doesn't work atm\lfoot{\textcopyright UWE Bristol}\cfoot{UAV Simulation Using Matlab/Simulink}\rfoot{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}\pagestyle{fancy}\begin{document}\author{My name}\title{UAV Simulation Using Matlab/Simulink}\maketitle\begin{abstract}This report investigates the simulation of an UAV created in Matlab R2011a Student Version.\end{abstract}\tableofcontents\clearpage\listoffigures\clearpage\listoftables\clearpage\section{Introduction}\subsection{Objectives}\begin{itemize}\item Plot the trajectory of the UAV on a graph to see how the UAV "moved" in the air\item Interface the simulink model with the Flight Gear Simulator to visualize the UAV\item Build an Autopilot to control the UAV.\item Build a model in Simulink that will simulate the vehicle.\end{itemize}\subsection{Method}\subsection{Background Information}\subsection{How does UAV's Work}\section{Literature Review}
Thank you for your help.