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Post by Epideme90 »

Hey, I'm new on the board - originally came from LaTeX based frustrations, but the help has been so good and so quick, I fancy just sticking around for a bit. My experience with LaTeX starts and ends with what I'm mandated to do with it by my physics degree. Not that I don't like it (though debugging can be a pain), and it does make for a powerful typesetter with pretty output, but for anything else I just prefer a quick WYSIWYG editor - but who knows, maybe I can be converted...

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Re: Introduction

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the board!

With bigger documents you can really benefit from LaTeX's capabilities. For small docs and quick writing, I can understand if you use a word processor. However, also here LaTeX would be quick and easy once you got your set of templates for commonly used documents, such as letters or solutions to exercises.

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Re: Introduction

Post by localghost »

I'm convinced that you will appreciate LaTeX even for short documents at the latest when submitting your first paper that needs to fulfill the demands by a certain journal. I started using LaTeX at university for my physics lab reports. Since then there is almost no document that I do without LaTeX.

Best regards and welcome to the board
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Re: Introduction

Post by Epideme90 »

I'm sure I would in the context of a research paper - but I don't consider that a short document - even Phys. Lett. are a few pages long and require enough formatting to justify the LaTeX faf.

As for templates - i only ever use the class article and just sort of have a pre-amble i copy and paste in everytime.
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