Generalcannot parse windows path to source tex file

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cannot parse windows path to source tex file

Post by tiarno »

Hi, I just downloaded TeXnicCenter and got it installed. I'm using TeXLive2005, Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 2.

After setting everything up, pdflatex starts up on my test document and I get this in the console:
! Undedfined control sequence.
<*> "C:\Documents
and Settings\blah\blah\blah\test.tex

It is using my pdflatex (pdfeTeXk Version 3.141592-1.30.3-2.2)

I must be making a simple mistake in the install--can you help me figure this out?
Please let me know if I need to provide more info.
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cannot parse windows path to source tex file

Post by localghost »

Seems to me like you try to process the source file with pdftex instead of pdflatex. Make sure that you are using the right compiler. Moreover I recommend an upgrade to TeX Live 2007.

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: cannot parse windows path to source tex file

Post by tiarno »

Thanks but that (the pdfetexk line) is the normal response header to 'pdflatex'. Also, this problem doesn't get to the processing (TeXLive2005 should be fine afaict--texniccenter has worked with it in the past).

It looks like I have something setup incorrectly in that the windows path is not getting parsed correctly.

If you have any other ideas, please let me know.

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cannot parse windows path to source tex file

Post by tiarno »

Just found the answer, so replying to my own post.
From the TeXnicCenter Help, searching on 'path', the first hit is this:
Instead of 'p', 'w', 'd' and 'm' use the uppercase variants of these characters to get slashes ('/') instead of backslashes ('\') as path separators.

In my latex->pdf profile, I changed the line:

Code: Select all

-interaction=nonstopmode "%pm"

Code: Select all

-interaction=nonstopmode "%Pm"
now everything works. Thanks and sorry for the noise. Still I wonder why I needed to make that setting in the first place. I'll do some more reading...

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