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Hello all

Post by ivanwest »

Hello to all good folk,
My name is Ivan and I was bitten by the latex bug 3 days ago. Kinda kicking myself, as I'm into my final year of studies and only just got onto Latex.
Progress has been pretty good to date, however, like all newcomers I have a few questions. I am trying to write text between two figures, as below;

[Figure 1] I want to place text here. [Figure 2]

This is for a cover page for my thesis. Figure 1 & 2 are the uni emblems.

I am also trying to setup the following layout. All appropriate packages are used and I get no errors with the below code. However when I build the file (pdf) the items Purpose, Description and Duration are not aligned. I want to be able to align them and also maintain alignment between the text that comes after the items. I have played with the align, enumerate, description and itemize environments but this is the best I can get at the moment.

Code: Select all

\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Task 1: Project Definition, Management and Planning}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=68pt, labelsep=15pt, itemindent=0pt]
\item[\textbf{Purpose:}]To define the scope and objectives of the project and to develop the tasks and schedule for the successful completion of the project.

\item[\textbf{Description:}]The project management documentation will be developed during this task. The management documentation will include; Initial Client Brief, Project Task Breakdown Structure, Project Task Outline and Project Schedule.
\item[\textbf{Duration:}]Seven weeks.
\medskip\newline\textbf{Resources:}\hspace{.3in}Personal computer, Project management resources, Thesis guidelines.
\medskip\newline\textbf{Outputs:}\hspace{.3in}Project management documentation for thesis.

Thank you in advance to any help given. :D



Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Hello all

Post by gmedina »

Hi Ivan,

Welcome to this board!

I hardly ever visit this subforum so I didn't see your post until today. It would be preferable to post questions in one of this other subforums:
LaTeX -> General or
Latex -> Packages & Document Classes.

Anyway, the following code contains some possible solutions to your questions. In the first case, you can use minipage environments (I used \rule to simulate actual images). In the second case, I used some of the features provided by the enumitem package. Refer to the documentation for further information.

Code: Select all



some text in between

\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Task 1: Project Definition, Management and Planning}
  \item[Purpose:]To define the scope and objectives of the project and to develop the tasks and schedule for the successful completion of the project.

  \item[Description:]The project management documentation will be developed during this task. The management documentation will include; Initial Client Brief, Project Task Breakdown Structure, Project Task Outline and Project Schedule.

  \item[Duration:]Seven weeks.
    \item[Resources:]Personal computer, Project management resources, Thesis guidelines.
    \item[Outputs:]Project management documentation for thesis.

Edit: minor modifications to the code.
Last edited by gmedina on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello all

Post by tripwire45 »

Greetings, ivanwest. Welcome.

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