This is an FYI, there is a new lightweight simple TeX/LaTeX distrubution called KerTeX.
It is lightweight, requires few things like bison, flex, ed, lftp, all of which are available either from source or through a package manager in Linux or BSD*. It does not have pdflatex, pdftex, dvipdfm, xdvi, but many packages can be written for the system. It is smaller than old TeTeX and has a maintainer working on it.
KerTeX is BSD licensed and should work on most systems. It is designed to be installed through a script ./get_mk_install, but it could be made into a package with some work. Users interested please download it and try it out. It is a small texing/latexing system that uses RISK framework.
Please test it out if you can, and maybe if the interest is there someone can try to package it and make it work independently even if TeX Live, teTeX, or other TeX distribution is installed.
User texifies, latexifies file, tex filename.tex, latex filename.tex, then runs
Code: Select all
$ dvips -o filename.dvi
Code: Select all
$ dvips -t letter filename.dvi >
Code: Select all
$ ps2pdf