Graphics, Figures & TablesPage number positions with pdflscape and rotating

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Page number positions with pdflscape and rotating

Post by cbkschroeder »


Thanks for taking the time to ready my posting.

I'm having a problem with moving page numbers when I use the pdflscape and the rotating packages together. In the first MWE, where rotating is included using clockwise rotations:

Code: Select all





    \caption{Test figure}


the bottom of the page numbers on each page are about 3.2 cm from the bottom of each page. This can be verified here:
mwe cw.pdf
(21.41 KiB) Downloaded 605 times
In the second MWE, when rotating is included using counterclockwise rotations:

Code: Select all





    \caption{Test figure}


the bottom of the page numbers on the text-containing pages are again about 3.2 cm from the bottom of each page, but now the bottom of the page number on the figure-containing page is about 3.9 cm from the bottom of the page. This can be verified here:
mwe ccw.pdf
(21.41 KiB) Downloaded 572 times

Note that these measurements were made using Ghostview and the respective PDF files as produced using PDFLaTeX.

It strikes me at the outset that perhaps this isn't the desired behavior, that the page numbers should, in fact, always be in the same spot, but then there's often much more going on with LaTeX than I am immediately aware of. Am I doing something wrong? If I am, please tell me! If I don't understand something that's happening and what I'm seeing is actually the expected result, please tell me that, too! Finally, if my instincts are correct and what's going on isn't what should be happening, then can someone be so kind as to confirm the behavior?

I am using both these packages together so that I can achieve PDF page rotations in PDF viewers when pages contain landscape figures and I wish to preserve the orientation of the captions along the short dimension of the page, that is, in parallel with the page numbers. The behavior about which I am inquiring is a problem for me because I wish to invoke "rotating" using the counterclockwise option.

Thank you again for your time!!


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