AnnouncementsNew buttons: inline code, CTAN package links, MWE

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Stefan Kottwitz
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New buttons: inline code, CTAN package links, MWE

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


today I added some buttons for editing:
buttons.png (1.43 KiB) Viewed 15956 times
  • As we often refer to packages and use links to CTAN, there's now a CTAN button which produces the corresponding link to the CTAN package information page for download and for getting documentation.
  • For further enhancing readability, there's now a button for marking \inline{code}. In contrast to the code environment, inline code doesn't have syntax highlighting yet. But this is planned for implementation.
  • Especially new posters often don't know yet, how important it is to show a small compilable code example, which allows the reader to test and to fix the problem. The easiest way for quickly explaining this, is a link to the Infominimal working example explanation - the third button does this.
Another advantage of using these buttons or that bbcode syntax, respectively, is that if at any time in the future the CTAN link structure would change, or the MWE site would move, all those links in the posts would keep working if we simply adjust the underlying code. And we could enhance the inline code markup later.

Stefan admin

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