MiKTeX and proTeXtPDFLaTeX reports "Unexpected Condition"

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PDFLaTeX reports "Unexpected Condition"

Post by howeman »

Hello. I am trying to run MikTeX version 2.9. I am on a Windows 7 machine (64bit) but am using the 32bit MikTeX distribution. I try to compile the following document:

Code: Select all


from the command line using the command:

Code: Select all

pdflatex testTex.tex
and I get the following output:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MikTeX 2.9)
pdflatex.exe: Unexpected condition.
I have tried a number of variations on that command, yielding the same error, and I also tried compiling in TeXworks, with the additional line
texify: pdflatex failed for some reason (see log file).
Does anyone know what I can try? I don't see a testtex.log file. It seems like it's invoking PDFLaTeX, but then not doing anything with it. 'Unexpected condition' is a pretty vague error.

Thanks a lot

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Re: PDFLaTeX reports "Unexpected Condition"

Post by howeman »

Figured out what fixed my problem:

What I had to do was to refresh the file name data base

In windows 7, do

All Programs --> MikTex 2.9 --> Maintenance --> Settings

General Tab --> Refresh FNDB
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: PDFLaTeX reports "Unexpected Condition"

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Good idea! This has to be done always after a manual installation of a package or of other files into the MiKTeX file tree.

LaTeX.org admin
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