GeneralProblems with italics in tables and xlists

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Problems with italics in tables and xlists

Post by Hiwi »

Hey there,
Im having some trouble with my texniccenter. I wrote a table in which within one column i wrote text in italics and non-italics. I used \texit{}. In the PDF document the whole line, also the words which were not supposed to be in italics and which were outside the braces were in italics. The second problem is that when I create an xlist within an example in the output it only creates 3 items (a-c) even though i wrote a much longer list. It just crushes the text of the following lines and puts it all in only 3 lines. I hope someone can help me with this.
Best wishes,

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Problems with italics in tables and xlists

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Birte,

welcome to this board!

Could you show us the code which produces those unwanted results? Just some example code demonstrating how you wrote your table and your xlist that shows the problem.

Stefan admin
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