Information and discussion about TeX Live distribution for all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) and the related MacTeX: installing, updating, configuring
Now I (try to) use Kile 2.1 under Linux Mint 12 and described procedure doesn't make any result. I'm bit confused, because Ubuntu and Mint are very similar distros. What I need to do for manually macro package installation in Linux Mint 12
Your texmf may be in a different directory now. See what "texconfig" reports it to be (try the "rehash" option and take note of the directories it tries to use).
You could also put your packages in a subdirectory of your home directory (I call mine "texmf"), then use it like this: "mktexlsr $HOME/texmf" (which does not require root access, and thus is preferable). Many distributions also support TEXINPUTS, BSTINPUTS, and BIBINPUTS (environment variables), which can point to your own files. For example:
export TEXINPUTS=".:$HOME/LaTeX/includes:"
(put in $HOME/.bashrc or whatever your shell's startup file is). The leading "." says "search current directory first"; the trailing colon says "search system locations if you can't find it anywhere else."
I don't run Mint (I'm a Fedora user), but if you tell me which TeX distribution you're using (e.g., TeXLIVE), someone might be of more specific help.