GeneralTexniccenter can't find my index style file

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Texniccenter can't find my index style file

Post by acoustician »

I have MikTeX 2.7 and TexnicCenter Beta 7.01 installed. I would like to use my own index style file "HBstyle1". I have changed the last entry in the profiles dialog to

"-g -s "%bm".idx".

I put a copy of in different places, e.g.


I refreshed FNDB several times. The compiler invariably claims: "Index style file not found".

Where do I have to put it?

I'd be grateful for a hint.

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Texniccenter can't find my index style file

Post by localghost »

acoustician wrote:[...]
I put a copy of in different places, e.g.

And that exactly could be the wrong step. You only have to put one single copy of the file into the texmf tree. So, delete one of them. Perhaps the compiler doesn't really know which version to take.

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Re: Texniccenter can't find my index style file

Post by acoustician »

Thanks for your reply.

Now I've got one copy left: miktex/makeindex/german/

FNDB refreshed. Still doesn't work. File not found.

Where or what is the texmf tree?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Texniccenter can't find my index style file

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

acoustician wrote: FNDB refreshed. Still doesn't work. File not found.
At the moment I cannot tell you the reason, I have no Windows installed, I would have expected refreshing the FNDB should solve that. You still could try two ways, at least for testing: put the style file (.ist) into the same directory like your latex document and try it, or write the full path name of the style file into the profile dialog.
acoustician wrote: Where or what is the texmf tree?
It's the directory where the tex files are located. texmf stands for TeX and Metafont. See TeX Directory Structure or the explanation on if you are interested in details.

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Re: Texniccenter can't find my index style file

Post by acoustician »

I appreciate the comments.

In the meantime, the style file has been read. I had written one extension too many in the file name. It was a spelling error.

For the record: Several identical style files in different places do not affect the compilers behavior. They seem permissible.

I experimented much with my style file. The version that works without error messages (and does whatever little it is supposed to do right now) looks like this:

preamble "\begin{theindex} \noindent"
postamble "\end{theindex}"
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix ""
heading_suffix " \nopagebreak \indexspace \nopagebreak" 1

A command like "indent_length 8" is ignored. Why is that?
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