GeneralProblems with fonts in eps files

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Problems with fonts in eps files

Post by Johan »


I am finishing my thesis (due very very soon) in LeTeX and came upon a serious problem.

I have several figures generated as .eps files. The files are saved so that the encoding for the text is not saved in the file (for standard fonts) I have many many files with Times-Roman and Times-Bold encoding.

Now I compile the dvi file it looks good, but when I make the pdf all spaces and special characters (such as parenthesis and dots (.)) gets converted into nothing.

In a figure I can write "This is the energy (eV)" and it shows "ThisistheenergyeV"

I solved this by replacing all Times-Roman and Times-Bold with Helvetica in the eps files - but there MUST be a way of making LaTeX treat these fonts correctly - even though they are not embedded. Helvetica is not a pretty font!

I am using TeXnicCenter as an editor and compiling in the editor (Ctrl+F7). I am using MikTEX as distribution - it seems like the editor is calling pdfetex when creating the pdf file (I first create a ps file, then a pdf - directly creating a pdf does not work for some reason).

I hope that there is someone that can answer this question, if you need additional info just ask me here and I will reply as soon as I can...

Thanks a lot!


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Problems with fonts in eps files

Post by Sebi »

Johan wrote: (I first create a ps file, then a pdf - directly creating a pdf does not work for some reason).

Are the fonts correctly embebbed within the *.ps file? If so, try to use another converter as a workaround (e.g. ps2eps -> epstopdf, acrobat, freepdf, ...).
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Re: Problems with fonts in eps files

Post by Johan »


No the fonts are not embedded - as they are standard fonts. But I found an ugly work-around.

I copied everything to my laptop and compiled it there - wo and behold - it works. So there mush be something weird with the fonts on this computer.
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