I've just installed Kile (on Ubuntu) and for some reason it doesn't come with a couple of the packages I want (subfigure.sty and wrapfig.sty). I've created files in the usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex and added in the subfigure (.sty and .cfg) and wrapfig.sty files into their respective folders but Kile still isn't picking up that they're there.
Can I either tell Kile where to look or install the packages another way? I've run through all the variations on sudo apt-get subfigure.sty etc that i can think of but given that I'm pretty new to this whole Linux thing I may well be missing something obvious...Unfortunately, the computer I was running Kile on before has Fedora rather than Ubuntu and so the set up is slightly different...
you can install the corresponding texlive packages by Synaptic. Open the Synaptic program, click on search and search for wrapfig or subfigure. You will find the package texlive-latex-extra. subfigure is contained in that package too. Choose and install that.
Installing Kile on Ubuntu is just the start. Where I work, we maintain a wiki and on the LaTeX page, I maintain a list of all the additional packages that I've installed in order to produce my LaTeX documentation. It's gotten to be pretty long as I've continued to discover needs.
But can't really follow their instructions!! What do I have to do, just place the makeglossaries file into usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex then sudo mktexlsr? Or do I run latex glossaries.ins ? This just extracts a whole bunch of files, and I'm not sure where to place them!!
it seems that glossaries is not contained in the current version of TeX Live.
You could download glossaries.tds.zip here, the installation instructions are inside the INSTALL file in the directory of the link you mentioned.
Ok managed to install glossaries from that file you posted, thanks alot.
The Install was a bit vague, so this is what i did:
ran nautilus (default file browser for ubuntu) in root (ie sudo nautilus)
then went to /usr/share/texmf-texlive
And just copied the files from that zip into the respective directiories.
Then "sudo mktexlsr"
But when trying to compile a file using glossaries, I get:
/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/glossaries/base/glossaries.sty:47:File `xfor.sty' not found. \@ifpackageloaded
Where do I get this one from!!!
Thanks for your help so far, sorry I'm so clueless!