I have installed latex2html on Windows 7(32-bit) using the well prepared tutorial by Jon Starkweather.
Executing latex2html for a tex file I have created, I get the following errors. Does anyone any clue? How can I debug?
Code: Select all
defined(%hash) is deprecated at C:\texmf\l2h\bin\latex2html.bat line 536.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(%hash) is deprecated at C:\texmf\l2h\bin\latex2html.bat line 2108
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(%hash) is deprecated at C:\texmf\l2h\bin\latex2html.bat line 9109
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
$* is no longer supported at C:\texmf\l2h\bin\latex2html.bat line 10610.