GeneralExclude a headline from the ToC, but keep the section number

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Exclude a headline from the ToC, but keep the section number

Post by Kishmet »

Hi, I'm trying to put my university report together in latex, and I've run into an issue I dont know how to solve.

Is there a way to give a header a number, the sectional numbering, and leave it out of the Table of Content?

I've tried the \section*{something} but it leaves out both the number and the entry in the ToC, and I would very much like to keep the numbering of the sections (and subsection + subsubsections).

Is there a possible solution for this matter? (Keep headline number, exclude from the ToC)


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Re: Exclude a headline from the ToC, but keep the section number

Post by otoomet »

Hi Kishmet,



the latter command should increase the section counter.

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Re: Exclude a headline from the ToC, but keep the section number

Post by hanshdk »


Did that solve your problem Kishmet?

Because I have the same problem, but the suggested solution cannot be used. I want a section number! If I use
It drops the sectionnumber. Using \stepcounter{section} just solves the problem for the nest section...

I.e. I want a toc like this:

1. Title 1
2. Title 2

And my text like this:
1. Title 1
2. Title 2
3. Title 3

Is that not possible?

Kind regards Hans
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Re: Exclude a headline from the ToC, but keep the section number

Post by hanshdk »

Ok I found a solution myself

It is possible to use \settocdepth{section}
in the document. This enables us to change the tocdepth for parts of the document. In my case this would be:


1. Title 1
2. Title 2

And my text like this:
1. Title 1
2. Title 2
3. Title 3

Hope this makes sense!
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