I recently upgrade to 1 Beta 7.01 and can no longer produce a DVI output. Even if I select the DVI profile, the application always calls the pdfeTex and generates a PDF file instead. Any auggestion?
General ⇒ Can't output to DVI after upgrade (always PDF)
Re: Can't output to DVI after upgrade (always PDF)
Have yo defined your output profiles <ALT+F7> for DVI??
Re: Can't output to DVI after upgrade (always PDF)
Yes, my LaTex => DVI profiles looks like:
Run LaTex in this profile: checked
Stop compilation if LaTex error occures: unchecked (also just noticed a typo in the dialog: should read Stop compilation "occurs")
Path to LaTex compiler: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\latex.exe
Command line argument: --src -interaction=nonstopmode "%Wm"
When I run, I get:
==== output profile Latex => DVI ====
This is pdfeTeX, version 3.141592-1.30.6-2-2 (MiKTex 2.5 Beta 7)
output written on myfilename.pdf
so this ends up producing a PDF file....
Are the command line parameters wrong?
Run LaTex in this profile: checked
Stop compilation if LaTex error occures: unchecked (also just noticed a typo in the dialog: should read Stop compilation "occurs")
Path to LaTex compiler: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\latex.exe
Command line argument: --src -interaction=nonstopmode "%Wm"
When I run, I get:
==== output profile Latex => DVI ====
This is pdfeTeX, version 3.141592-1.30.6-2-2 (MiKTex 2.5 Beta 7)
output written on myfilename.pdf
so this ends up producing a PDF file....
Are the command line parameters wrong?
Can't output to DVI after upgrade (always PDF)
Found the source of my problem....
the new release adds the following code when creating new document which leads to the PDF output.... just need to comment out....
the new release adds the following code when creating new document which leads to the PDF output.... just need to comment out....
Code: Select all
\pdffalse %%normal LaTeX is executed
\pdftrue %%pdfLaTeX is executed