Graphics, Figures & TablesTable Placement Problem not solved by common Approaches

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Table Placement Problem not solved by common Approaches

Post by pyrogerg »

I'm having recurrent trouble with the placement of a tables in documents. The case is when I need a table to appear within a particular section or subsection that contains little else. Often the table floats outside the section. I've tried using the [H] placement option in the float package and \FloatBarrier from the placeins package.

I can keep the table from floating down into the next section with \FloatBarrier, however I can not keep it from floating above the subsection heading that it is supposed to follow. See the attached document for an example. Sorry I can't produce a more minimal working example, but it's all the other stuff that results in the particular layout causing the problem. The problem is with table 1: 150 Initial Moves in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
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Last edited by pyrogerg on Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Table Placement Problem not solved by common Approaches

Post by localghost »

Sometimes only a special knack does the trick. I echo only the relevant part of your code.

Code: Select all

\subsection{Collect Data} % Putting the subsection here does not give the correct vertical placement.
\begin{table}[!ht] % These placement parameters usually help
\caption{150 Initial Moves in Rock, Paper, Scissors}	
\begin{tabular}{ l c r }
	rock & scissors & paper \\
	63 & 51 & 36 \\
Note the tilde as invisible character (fixed blank space). And by the way, tables usually have their captions above.
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Table Placement Problem not solved by common Approaches

Post by pyrogerg »

:D Thank you, localghost. That's one to keep in my bag of tricks.
localghost wrote:Sometimes only a special knack does the trick. I echo only the relevant part of your code.

Code: Select all

\subsection{Collect Data} % Putting the subsection here does not give the correct vertical placement.
Note the tilde as invisible character (fixed blank space). And by the way, tables usually have their captions above.
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