I'm writing a report. I use R to analyse data and Latex (on Windows or Linux) to write the report. I use Sweave to directly write the latex report from R analysis.
My problem is about "tables print", they are not adjusted to the page width. I use latex() function in sweave file (*.rnw) to create table like this:
Code: Select all
XTabAgeGirIniFreq <- xtable(TabAgeGirIniFreq, caption="Pourcentage des résidents par age en fonction de leur score Gir", digits = c(0,0,0,0,0,0), label="TabAgeGirIniFreq")
align(XTabAgeGirIniFreq) <- "lccccc";
print(XTabAgeGirIniFreq,caption.placement = "top");
I would that table auto-adjust it on page.
Someone know how do?