I'm publishing a book with a publisher that requires this simple formatting for chapter titles:
- Chapter number: 14pt, flush left on text line 2
- 0.5pt vertical rule x 2 picas centred between chapter number and chapter title in both directions
- Chapter title: 14/19pt, indented 3 picas on text line 2
An example chapter title, provided by the publisher, looks like this:

- Screen Shot 2011-10-21 at 08.25.05.png (4.98 KiB) Viewed 3585 times
I'm trying to reproduce this with the titlesec package with the following code:
Code: Select all
This handles the font size correctly, and the vertical spacing between the chapter title and the chapter text (the spacing before the title should be on line 2 of the text but a spacing of 0pt seems to produce this: I don't know why). But I've got two problems:
- I don't know how to create a vertical line, 0.5pt wide and 2pc high
- I don't know how to centre that line between the RH side of the chapter number and the LH side of the chapter title.
I'd be very grateful if anyone could help.