I'm trying to combine a tabularx table with centered text using colortbl to colour the columns.
I wish to equally space the columns so I'm using the column type X for each column header.
With this I'm trying to using \centering with the \columncolor as follows:
Code: Select all
When I centre the columns or color them individually it works (see example code)! Misplaced \noalign.
\hline ->\noalign
{\ifnum 0=`}\fi \let \hskip \vskip \let \vrule \hrule \let...
l.62 \end{tabularx}
Many thanks for your assistance!
Kevin (Long time reader, first time poster)
--- Example code ---
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{report}%\usepackage{color}\definecolor{LightGray}{rgb}{0.83,0.83,0.83}%\usepackage{colortbl}\usepackage{tabularx}%\newcolumntype{z}{>{\columncolor{LightGray}}X}\newcolumntype{y}{>{\columncolor{LightGray}\centering}X}%\begin{document}%\begin{table}[h!]%\centering\caption{ABC}%\begin{tabularx}{1.0\columnwidth}{X X X}A & B & C \\ \hline1 & P & I \\2 & Q & J \\3 & R & K\end{tabularx}%\end{table}%\begin{table}[h!]%\centering\caption{XYZ}%\begin{tabularx}{1.0\columnwidth}{z z z}A & B & C \\ \hline1 & P & I \\2 & Q & J \\3 & R & K\end{tabularx}%\end{table}%