Text FormattingRemove Section Number

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Remove Section Number

Post by huu2011 »

I am new to latex and I have two question.How can I remove the numbering of the section.

Code: Select all

\section{question 1}
after typsetting
1 question 1
so dont want the automatic numbering of the section.

second question:
how can I add space in equation?

Code: Select all

 \frac{ total number}{ complete total number}
the fraction will be without space
thank you in advance
Last edited by cgnieder on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Remove Section Number

Post by fatra2 »

Hi there,

The answer to your first question is the asterisk (*). Use the asterisk everytime you want to remove the numbering in the different parts in LaTeX. Something like this:

Code: Select all

\section*{question 1}
My answer to your second question might not be the best suitable, but it works. You can use the \text command in the math mode to add some space.

Code: Select all

$ a \text{} = \text{} b + c $
Hope this helps. Cheers
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Remove Section Number

Post by futuresimon »

For your second question:
The command:

Code: Select all

\emph{ }
creates a space in the document
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Remove Section Number

Post by cgnieder »

Hi futuresimon. Welcome to the forum!
futuresimon wrote:For your second question:
The command:

Code: Select all

\emph{ }
creates a space in the document
I cannot recommend this. Although this does insert a space it misuses the macro for emphasis. There are better alternatives:
  • \space inserts a simple inter-word space
  • \nobreakspace inserts an inter-word space which prohibits line-breaking. The shortcut for this is ~.
  • \hspace{1cm} inserts a horizontal space of 1cm.
There are more options. Which one's the best solution is hard to guess since the question is rather vague.

For the first question nowadays I'd suggest using a dedicated package for problems such as probsoln, exam or exsheets.

Best regards
site moderator & package author
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