I am new to LaTeX and working on a regional flora, a book that will identify and describe plants. Botanical nomenclature requires a glossary with illustrations for many terms. I've been trying to create the glossary using the function provided by the memoir class, but I'm having difficulty with it.
I have created a minimum working example "MWE.tex", which produces a minimal glossary by the following steps:
- Create basic.gst configuration file for MakeIndex (code file copied from memmoir manual).
Code: Select all
%%% basic.gst basic makindex glossary style file %%% Output style parameters preamble "\\begin{theglossary}" postamble "\n\\end{theglossary}\n" item_0 "\n\\glossitem" delim_0 "{\\memglonum{" encap_suffix "}}}" headings_flag 1 heading_prefix "\\doglobookmark{" heading_suffix "}" %%% Input style parameters keyword "\\glossaryentry"
- Create glo file by typesetting MWE.tex.
- Create gls file by entering the following at the command line:
Code: Select all
makeindex -s basic.gst -o MWE.gls MWE.glo
- Edit gls file to remove references to the doglobookmark macro*.
Typeset MWE.tex again.
Having created a glossary, I have no idea how to get the illustration graphics into it. Is there a way to do this using either memoir's glossary or some other glossary package that won't conflict with memoir? Otherwise, I'll resort to formatting the glossary manually as another chapter. If I take that route, I could use a suggestion as to how I can create a horizontal space between terms and their definitions, such that the definitions are left aligned with each other to the right of the terms.
Thanks in advance,