Page LayoutTwo Title Page Problems

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Two Title Page Problems

Post by NinV »

Hi all,

two years ago I wrote a booklet using as editor TeXMaker and I didn't have any problems.

Now having to modify it I tried to recompile the old code, but I get three annoying problems.

The first one is a wrong right alignement of the words "Edition - 2011" at the end of the title page.

The second ones are two warnings which don't seem to affect the resulting pdf, but I don't understand the cause of these warnings.

This is the first warning:
! Package xkeyval Error: `hidelinks' undefined in families `Hyp'.
This is the second one:
! Undefined control sequence.
\\maketitle ...{10cm} TITLE\\ \vspace {.2cm}\HUGE
title } \\[0.4cm] \textsc ...
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
Here is the MWE:

Code: Select all

% F1 LaTeX
% F4 DVI->PS
% F9 PS->PDF

\usepackage[backref=false, hidelinks]{hyperref}




\setlength\textheight{205.9mm} % 210-1,8alto-2,3basso=205,9

\setlength{\oddsidemargin} {2.4cm}  %3  margine sx
\setlength{\evensidemargin} {2.4cm}  %3  margine dx
\setlength{\topmargin} {0pt}       %4  margine sx ???
\setlength{\headsep} {.7cm}        %6  distanza fra intestazione e testo
\setlength{\textwidth} {106.5mm}     %8  ampiezza del testo
\setlength{\textheight} {155.5mm}    %7  altezza del testo
\setlength{\footskip} {1.2cm}       %11 spazio per il piede   
\setlength{\paperwidth} {210mm}    %15
\setlength{\paperheight} {296mm}   %16

   \includegraphics[width =.5\paperwidth]{img/copertina.eps}%

  \AtPageCenter {%
    \includegraphics %
     [width =0.2\paperwidth]{#1}






    \marginnote{\rotatebox{90}{\theorem@headerfont##1\ ##2}
    \marginnote{\rotatebox{90}{\theorem@headerfont##1\ ##2}}%

%% Define a new 'leo' style for the package that will use a smaller font.

\renewcommand{\@makechapterhead}[1] {     % Heading for \chapter command
 \vspace*{5pt}                          % No space at top of text page.
  {\parindent 0pt%  
   \bf                            % Title.
   \nobreak                             % TeX penalty to prevent page break.
    \vskip 40pt                          % Space between title and text.
  } }

% Safty first
  \chapter must be defined to use chapter thumbs!}%
   % Two new commands for the width and height of the boxes with the
   % chapter number at the thumbs (use of commands instead of lengths
   % for sparing registers)
   \newcommand*{\chapterthumbwidth}{3em} % altezza ruotata
   \newcommand*{\chapterthumbheight}{3em} % larghezza ruotata
   % Two new commands for the colors of the box background and the
   % chapter numbers of the thumbs
   % New command to set a chapter thumb. I'm using a group at this
   % command, because I'm changing the temporary dimension \@tempdima
     % calculate the horizontal position of the right paper border
     % (I ignore \hoffset, because I interprete \hoffset moves the page
     % at the paper e.g. if you are using cropmarks)
     \setlength{\@tempdima}{\@oddheadshift}% (internal from scrpage2)
%     \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\paperwidth}%
     % putting the thumbs should not change the horizontal
     % position
      % move to the calculated horizontal position
      % putting the thumbs should not change the vertical
      % position
      \vbox to 0pt{%
        % calculate the vertical position of the thumbs (I ignore
        % \voffset for the same reasons told above)
        \multiply\@tempdima by\value{chapter}%
        % move to the calculated vertical position
        % put the thumbs left so the current horizontal position
         % and rotate them
%             \strut\Huge\thechapter
      % avoid overfull \vbox messages
   % New command, which works like \lohead but also puts the thumbs
   % (you cannot use \ihead with this definition but you may change
   % this, if you use more internal scrpage2 commands)

    \bfseries Author \\
    \normalfont\itshape editor\\[1.5cm]
    \bfseries \hspace{10cm} TITLE\\ \vspace{.2cm}\HUGE title
   \textsc{\Large Subtitle 1} \\[0.5cm]
    \normalfont\itshape (subtitle 2)\\[0.5cm]
     \clogo\large PUBLISHER\black \\Edition - 2011



%% Now actually use the newly defined style.

\newrgbcolor{clogo}{0 0.33 0}



This book has been written by \LaTeX\vskip .5em

\copyright\ 2010, Author\\Second edition 2011\vskip .5em

Printed for Publisher\\
by Printer

\refoot{\protect\small\protect\it Authot -- \protect Title}
 \lofoot{\protect\small\protect\it Author -- \protect Title}


Can you help me to fix them?

Thank you very much,

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Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:57 pm

Re: Two Title Page Problems

Post by NinV »

Sorry for bothering you all!

I've seen my trifling mistake: \HUGE instead of \Huge :oops:

The other one problem seems to be caused by the hyperef option "hidelinks".

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