- The page number shown in the Preview app doesn't match the page number in the PDF document (especially the i, ii, iii, iv, ... from the Frontmatter pages).
- Using the hyperref package, I'm yet unable to see the author's info in Preview app. Here's the code I'm using for that package :
Code: Select all
\usepackage[% unicode, colorlinks, linkcolor=black, urlcolor=red, citecolor=red, pdftitle={Title}, pdfauthor={My name}, pdfsubject={A small description}, pdfkeywords={Some keywords}, pdfproducer={pdfLaTeX}, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels ]{hyperref}
Viewers for PDF, PS, and DVI ⇒ LaTeX → PDF | Document in Preview (OS X) causes glitches
LaTeX → PDF | Document in Preview (OS X) causes glitches
I'm creating a Book with LaTeX on OS X (Snow Leopard). Everything is working great, but I have two small glitches that annoys me when I check the PDF document in the Preview application :
Re: LaTeX → PDF | Document in Preview (OS X) causes glitches
The glitch I have is that when ever lyx runs latex, it gets "cannot determine graphic size error". I'm using eps files so size determination should be easy.
I even tried images that used to work on Linux (I'm trying to get going on windows 10).
I see old references to this kind of problem, but no solutions.
I even tried images that used to work on Linux (I'm trying to get going on windows 10).
I see old references to this kind of problem, but no solutions.
Re: LaTeX → PDF | Document in Preview (OS X) causes glitches
In 'lyx' using 'ps2pdf' option evades the problem. The 'dvi' options also work. Problem appears to be related to 'pdLatex' ...