BibTeX, biblatex and biberMultiple "forthcoming" or "in press" citations

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Multiple "forthcoming" or "in press" citations

Post by arwintcher »

I'm having a problem with "forthcoming" references that I haven't been able to solve. I'm using Memoir + natbib, with an author-date citation style and a custom .bst file I made using "makebst" years ago. I use the natbib variations on the \cite{} command (like \citep{} and \citeyear{} etc.) to cite the references in the text.

I am citing several articles by the same author which are in a "forthcoming" status. When I cite them, they are printed out as "Author, forthcomingb", or if they are together, as "Author, forthcominga,b".

I tried a fix I found at, but it just has the effect of adding parentheses around the entry in the References section.

All I want is for there to be a space after "forthcoming". I tried adding extra brackets in my .bib file, so that it read {{forthcoming}}, but this also had no effect.

Does anyone have an idea for how I can fix this?

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Multiple "forthcoming" or "in press" citations

Post by arwintcher »

Another day, another google search, and a few dozen runs of makebst and various bits of cobbling and I think I have something that works well enough for me to call it good.

I re-ran makebst and chose the option to italicize the "a" and "b". Then I used this hack on my new bst file:

Code: Select all

Start with a .bst file created by custom-bib which does not
truncate years. Open this file in a text editor. Locate the
following function:
FUNCTION {reverse.pass}
{ next.extra "b" =
{ "a" 'extra.label := }
extra.label 'next.extra :=
duplicate$ empty$
{ "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}}" * }
'extra.label :=
label extra.label * 'label :=
Now replace the line { "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}}" * } with the
following four lines:
{ year field.or.null #-1 #1 substring$$ #65 <
{ "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}}" * }
{ "{(\natexlab{" swap$ * "})}" * }
if$ }
taken from ... 00021.html. Except instead of { "{(\natexlab{" swap$ * "})}" * } I made mine read { "{\natexlab{" swap$ * "}~}" * }. It's not exactly right but it is close enough.
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