I am trying to create a table with some long urls like this:
Code: Select all
\begin{table}[tp] %
\label{table2}\centering %
% \toprule %
Col1 & Col2 & Col3 \\\toprule
Some text & \url{http://someurl} & Some text. \\\midrule
\multirow{2}{*}{Some common text} & \url{http://somelongurlsom.elongurlsome.longurlso.melon.gurlsomel.ongurlsome.longurlsomelongurlsom.elongurlsomelongurl} & Some text.\\\cline{2-3}
& \url{http://somelongurlsomelongurls.omelongu.rlsomelongur.lsomelongurlsomelongurl.somelongurlsomelo.ngur.lsomelongurl} & Some text.\\\bottomrule
But the "Some common text" cell is not aligned with the rest of the row. How can I keep the entire row aligned (to the top)?
Thank you.