MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsTrouble using nomenclature

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Trouble using nomenclature

Post by progressive »


I am using nomencl package. Making all the \nomenclature entries is working fine, but when trying to make \nomgroup entries, only the first (since I am making a dictionary it is "A") nomgroup is present. Actually, I didn't even call the function, I just did

Code: Select all

\hfill #1\hfill
and for some reason it appears. However, when trying to put in

Code: Select all


I find that LaTeX puts the B nomgroup above the nomenclature itself. I do not know what is going on, and whether it is related to the problem with the header/footer not being correct on the first page and then being correct as specified by fancyhdr starting on page two to the end.

Any help would be appreciated.

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