GeneralRemove entries from LOF in memoir

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Remove entries from LOF in memoir

Post by mannesmann »


I am writing a document in the memoir class and I would like for the LoF not to include the figures in the Appendix. I've tried using the caption package, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be compatible with memoir. At least not when using the command

Code: Select all

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

Any piece of advice is greatly appreciated!

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Remove entries from LOF in memoir

Post by LagrangeEU »

Just to clarify, did you include the command in the following way

Code: Select all

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Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 10:22 pm

Remove entries from LOF in memoir

Post by mannesmann »

LagrangeEU wrote:Just to clarify, did you include the command in the following way

Code: Select all

Thank you for the reply.
I did include the command in the appendix and I also included the package in the preamble. As far as I know, the problem is that the caption package isn't compatible with the memoir class.
That is why I need a new way to do this...
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Remove entries from LOF in memoir

Post by LagrangeEU »

I have just tested the the caption package with memoir and it should would.
Consider the following minimal working example

Code: Select all




\captionsetup[figure]{list=no} %Outcomment this line to see the effect
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (9,0);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,9.5);
\caption{A figure}

Do you use the hyperref package? This might yield clashs (try updating to the most recent version of both)!
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