XeTeXTamil with xetex

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Tamil with xetex

Post by drpartha »

I am trying to use xetex and typeset Tamil.

A friend of mine sent me a sample file which he compiled using
"xelatex sample.tex".

I try to do the same thing on the same file, and I end up getting an
error "package polygloss.sty not found". I tried downloading
polygloss.sty from ctan and plugged it into my system, and this time I
end up with some other error. Where have I gone wrong ? Can someone guide me
please. ? Is ther a work around

I used Xetex from Texlive 2009 which comes bundled with Suse 11.0. I have no problems with the basic Latex from the same source.


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Tamil with xetex

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


if possible, install polygloss using the TeX Live manager tlmgr instead of downloading from CTAN. However, I guess the TeX Live package manager is not available if TeX is installed from the operating system repositories, not using the original distribution.

So, if you dowload it, finish the installation by running mktexlsr or texhash, to rebuild the TeX package database.

LaTeX.org admin
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