I am having a problem with TikZ and making it do what I want. In fact this is what made me sign up for this forum.
I am making a figure with TikZ and my problem is I want to use draw some line between to known points, say I know the coordinates. Somewhere along the line I would like to have some text "on" the line, but in such a way that the text does not go through the text. It might be best explained by the following code from the TikZ manual.
Code: Select all
\draw (0,0) .. controls +(up:2cm) and +(left:3cm) .. (1,5)
node[at end] {|at end|}
node[very near end] {|very near end|}
node[near end] {|near end|}
node[midway] {|midway|}
node[near start] {|near start|}
node[very near start] {|very near start|}
node[at start] {|at start|};
I hope my problem is clear and somebody can give me an idea to perfect my picture