I'm including both the algorithm and algorithmic packages, and trying to figure out how to condense some of the vertical space between the line numbers. What I would like is, for example, to have the effect of \vspace{-1mm} beteween each line, so as to compress the algorithm a bit more. I want to the algorithm to take as little space as possible (I'm already using the [noend] option).
So my question is, is there a way to do this with the algorithm package? Maybe something to do with \itemsep?
General ⇒ Algorithm environment
Algorithm environment
Found that the \fontsize{}{} command works when encapsulating the »algorithmic« environment, e.g.:
where the first parameter is the font's size, the second parameter gives the line spacing, and the 10 and 15 specify the pt unit by default.
Credit goes to gmedina at {TEX} SE for the help.
Code: Select all
Credit goes to gmedina at {TEX} SE for the help.