Text FormattingJava class substring macro

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Java class substring macro

Post by Kornel »


I'm trying to create a command which would create a hyperlink based on a fully qualified java class name (e.g. "my.test.package_1.MyTest_Class")

What I'd like to achieve is to create based on e.g. my.test.package_1.MyTest_Class a \href which would point to a url based on this fully qualified class name and as the link name I'd like to have the class name only.

from \mysrc{my.test.package_1.MyTest_Class} I want to have:

Code: Select all

This is what I came up with:

Code: Select all

\newcounter {len}
%GETS THE CLASSNAME - i.e. the text after the last dot

The problem is with the class name. As it might contain underscores, I thought I could wrap it in a \verb or \lstinline but that seems to be illegal.

Do you have any ideas, how I could achieve this task and maybe improve a bit my command (I'm quite new at writing latex commands)?


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