Text Formattingtext becomes ugly when fontsize is very small (6pt)

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text becomes ugly when fontsize is very small (6pt)

Post by Turkurz »


I'm writing solutions to a certain mathematical algebra book, and I insist that the page dimensions of my solutions are the same as the dimensions of the book (so I can insert the solutions at the end), which is much smaller than ordinary A4.

Therefore I decrease my font size with \fontsize{6pt}{6pt}\selectfont in order to get enough text on a page. What happens is horrible: all the mathmode text becomes much thicker and wider. Now one can't even distinguish between ordinary numbers and mathmode numbers.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper,oneside, final, 10pt]{article}

\usepackage[top=1.5cm, bottom=2.2cm, left=2.1cm, right=2.1cm, paperwidth=6.102in, paperheight=9.250in]{geometry} %nastavitve dimenzij strani

How can I fix this? Is there a way to get the font at 6pt to have normal shape again? Or should I try to write at 11pt on normal-sized paper and than shrink it? Or change the mathmode font? Though I think all the other normal mode letters are also wider...


here is the comparison:
font.jpg (47.01 KiB) Viewed 4417 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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text becomes ugly when fontsize is very small (6pt)

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

You could use a class which supports small base font sizes. Such features are provided by KOMA-Script (arbitrary sizes and units) and extsizes.

Letting the class set the base font size results in automatic adjustment of other lengths (spacing) and sizes. Further you could use \DeclareMathSizes to set a math font size matching your text font size.

Perhaps have a look at for details regarding that command. I just remembered those posts.

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Re: text becomes ugly when fontsize is very small (6pt)

Post by Turkurz »

Thank you, in the following days I will try your suggestions and report how it went.
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text becomes ugly when fontsize is very small (6pt)

Post by Turkurz »

Hmm, the smallest fontsize in ext is 8pt, which is too big. I'm also not having much success at your other suggestions.

Is there a way to write my document in double page-dimensions with normal fonts and than scale the whole document down (with a LaTeX command, not scaling PDF)?
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