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LaTeX specific issues not fitting into one of the other forums of this category.
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Table of contents (tocdepth)

Post by j5comp »

For some reason, putting
displays the subsections in the table of contents, but won't indent it. It lines up with the sections.

Any suggestions on how to force an indentation? Also, anyways to change the spacing between subsections? I want single spacing between subsections, but double spacing between sections - I currently have double spacing for everything.


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Table of contents (tocdepth)

Post by gmedina »

The behaviour you describe is not the standard one (al least it is not using some standard class such as report) so more information will be needed to provide effective help. Please post a minimal working example showing your problem.

P.S.: I think that this post (as well as some of your other posts) belongs to one of the following subforums: LaTeX->General or LaTeX->Packages & Document Classes.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Table of contents (tocdepth)

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi j5comp,

you may look for the definition of the macro \l@subsection inside your class file. We can tell you more if you tell us the used document class or post it as attachment, if it's not a standard class. In that case it should accompany a minimal working example.
Maybe next thread we read of each other in another subforum ;) That question was not WinEdt specific.

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