Text FormattingCaption for an itemized List

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Caption for an itemized List

Post by Pixer75 »


I need to put a caption for a list of items (itemize environment). I found this macro on the web which seems to solve the issue:

Code: Select all

and then:

Code: Select all

\captionof{table}{\caption{un titre ici}\label{foo}}
However, the caption appears with the Table label at the front, followed by an automatically assigned number according to number of tables the document already has. I could also change "table" for "figure". But my lists aren't tables neither figures. I'd like something like "example" or "excerpt" to appear instead of "table" or "figure". I would also like to reset the counter. Is there a way of doing this?


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Caption for an itemized List

Post by gmedina »


with the help of the caption package you can easily define a new type of caption (and a new List associated with it, also). A little example:

Code: Select all


\DeclareCaptionType{exam}[Example][List of Examples]


  \item First item.
  \item Second item.
  \item Third item.
\captionof{exam}{This is a very important list.}

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Re: Caption for an itemized List

Post by Pixer75 »

Thank you so much. It works brilliantly.
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