Generalxkeval error in TeXLive v Aug 2010

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xkeval error in TeXLive v Aug 2010

Post by mschulme »

I was using TeX Live v 2009 so far with TexNic Center under Windows XP.

Then I installed (successfully) TeX Live v Aug 2010 (source: the official DVD from and wanted to tex the same tex file that works without problem under the older version of TeX. Now, with the 2010 version I get a weird error:

! Package xkeyval error: 'top' undefinded in families 'Gin'

I figured that this error ONLY occurs if I include the packages "pstrick" and "pst-plot". Without these everything works well.

I have no idea why this is. Maybe I do not have the latest version of xkeyval ... !?! ... but how can this be, I used the official TUG DVD, v Aug 2010 to install TeX Live ??

If the error is really that I need another version of xkeyval (or pst-plot / pstricks), where can I find this and where in the TeX folders do I have to copy it (and overwrite the old one)?

Any idea ? Help greatly appreciated !!!


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xkeval error in TeXLive v Aug 2010

Post by localghost »

Your problem description is inappropriate thus as good as useless. Please give a minimal example that reproduces the error clearly [1]. Emphasize is on »minimal«.

In general you should be aware of the fact that LaTeX and especially LaTeX packages are under steady development. Thus there can be changes in the syntax of some commands which an cause trouble.
mschulme wrote:[…] If the error is really that I need another version of xkeyval (or pst-plot / pstricks), where can I find this and where in the TeX folders do I have to copy it (and overwrite the old one)? […]
Packages for TeX Live are usually installed by the TeX Live Manager (tlmgr).

[1] View topic: Avoidable mistakes

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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