Document ClassesNewbie asking for advice

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Newbie asking for advice

Post by bizzymunky »

I've never used Latex. I'm considering whether or not to use Latex for a project. My wife would like to print thousands of recipes on 4"X6" cardstock for her new business. We don't want to spend a lot of money on it. Our laser printer does a great job of printing on it, so I was considering just printing them myself.

My questions is: is this a good idea? Since I don't know latex, I'm worried it may take much longer to learn than anticipated. Any opinions? Would latex even work for 4X6 cards?


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Newbie asking for advice

Post by localghost »

bizzymunky wrote:[...] My questions is: is this a good idea? Since I don't know latex, I'm worried it may take much longer to learn than anticipated. Any opinions? Would latex even work for 4X6 cards? [...]
Honestly said, no. It's not worth learning a relatively complicated mark-up language for such a project. And as you mentioned yourself this is not done overnight. Even if you accomplish things like page page layout, you still have to learn LaTeX basic syntax, which takes its time.

In principal LaTeX supports this sort of typesetting. There are some so called document classes that allow to typeset some kind of cards [1]. But I think that you would do better with Word or Writer using some templates available somewhere in the world wide web.

[1] The TeX Catalogue Online, Topic Index

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Re: Newbie asking for advice

Post by bizzymunky »

Thank you very much for the information. I'll not use LaTex!

Thanks again!
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