Fonts & Character SetsMonotype fonts both in math and normal text

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Monotype fonts both in math and normal text

Post by lanmmt »

is there any way to use monotype (like courier, luximono,...) fonts in math and normal text - globaly.

I've never changed fonts before, don't realy understand how they work... I never thought about that. I usualy use in my preambule:

Code: Select all

%& --translate-file=cp1250pl.tcx
\usepackage[left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, top = 2.5cm]{geometry}

%%%%%%%%%%% FONTS %%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%% FONTS MATH %%%%%%%
and it works, so I've never worried for the fonts (I'm not even shure what do I use...).

What would you propose to use (what code and font/fonts) to make my whole text to be writen in "typewriter font style"? Is it posible? How do greak letters look like (if it's possible)?

/I've installed luxi (luximono) in MiKTeX 2.9 and I'm using LEd to make my texts.

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