Document ClassesLongtable Problems

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Longtable Problems

Post by Ian222 »

I am trying to use the longtable package for a journal article. I have three tables in the same vicinity, only one of which will be using the longtable. When I compile, Table 3 (the longtable) shows up first, with Table 1 inserted in the middle of Table 3 and Table 2 after Table 3. I would like to have them appear sequentially, without Table 1 being inserted in the middle of Table 3.

Also, the caption width is quite narrow. I found out how to adjust it, but I can't make it the same as the width of the normal tables. What is the width of a normal table? I tried \textwidth, but that wasn't quite right. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Longtable Problems

Post by Juanjo »

Perhaps you may find useful the placeins package. It defines a \FloatBarrier command to prevent floats from moving past a given point of the document. Try to load this package and put such a command before the third table.
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