You can actually add your own commands for autocomplete; I've done this a lot as I've defined new macros I use all the time.
In your TXC installation folder there should be a subfolder "Packages", which contains some files like "
", "
", and "
". You can add autocomplete commands to any of these, or better yet, make a new file: "
". Take a look at one of the existing files to get an idea of the format.
You can add the following to any one of these files to get
Code: Select all
<lxCommand name="\paragraph"
Just add it somewhere between existing commands, save the file and restart TXC and it should work.
I attached my list of auto-complete commands that I've added, as well. (Warning: some of these are not standard commands, so unless you have defined them in a LaTeX file they won't be of any use.)