Feature SuggestionsSimplify entering of accented characters

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Simplify entering of accented characters

Post by mvalle »

I started using 2.0alpha3 and I'm very happy with it.
Currently I'm writing a text in Italian on a computer with US keyboard (i.e. with no accented letters).

No problem to enter cio\`e perch\'e and so on, but if there were a method to enter cioè perché, that is, the accented letters with less keystrokes would be a bonus (less typing) that leaves also the text more readable for proofing.

One method could be to define a dead key in which you enter CTRL-` followed by the letter to obtain the (grave) accented letter. Another could be to add toolbars (subdivided by language?) with the accented letters. Another to add entries to the contextual menu to insert these letters (like the abcTajpu extension for Thunderbird).

Thanks again for your effort!

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