LyXEdit headers in memoir class

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Edit headers in memoir class

Post by oldmankit »

I'm using memoir class and trying to edit the headers and footers. I want to do two things. I can live without 2), as I can do it manually. However, 1) is necessary.

1) I'm happy with 'ruled' except I want \leftmark to be 'part' and \rightmark to be 'chapter'. First I tried using 'myheadings' in document>>settings>>page layout>>headings style. I then copied and pasted the latex code for 'ruled' from the memoir manual but changed chapter to part, and section to chapter.

Code: Select all

\createmark{part}{left}{shownumber}{}{. \space}

\makeevenfoot{myheadings}{\thepage}{}{<draft>} % page numbers at the outside
\makeevenhead{myheadings}{\scshape\leftmark}{}{} % small caps
Everything works except it is not getting the leftmark or rightmark in. I can't understand why not. When I tried using the 'ruled' style instead of 'myheadings', it simply did not take any notice of my changes to leftmark or rightmark. It called the old one (chapter+section).

2) I want to use 'empty' pagestyle for any pages with floats on. There is a way to do this in memoir, see page 128 of the manual. I thought the best way to do this would be to stick with 'myheadings' as the pagestyle, and then use a modified 'ruled' for pages without floats, and 'empty' for pages with floats.

Code: Select all

It didn't work though. It doesn't detect any floats at all, so the whole document uses 'ruled'.

I have attached my test .lyx file, if that is any help.

As an aside, how do I redefine \bigskip? I want to make it bigger.

I really appreciate any help.
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Last edited by oldmankit on Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Edit headers in memoir class

Post by meho_r »

1. Try reversing the order of \makepagestyle and \makepsmarks. Here's your code reordered (I'm using the code from your .lyx file):

Code: Select all

\makeevenfoot{ruled}{\thepage}{}{<draft>} % page numbers at the outside
\makeevenhead{ruled}{\scshape\leftmark}{}{} % small caps

\createmark{part}{left}{shownumber}{}{. \space}


2. Page style for floats does work, but notice that it works only for "float pages", i.e., pages containing floats only. So, if you remove "And now for a float!" sentence placed just before the figure, you'll get an empty page style for the page the figure is on.

3. Don't forget to activate ruled page style after (re)definition:

Code: Select all

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Re: Edit headers in memoir class

Post by oldmankit »

Thank you so much, it's now working fine.
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Edit headers in memoir class

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