is there an option provided by URW's Garamond to enable the use of the GaramondNo( also for headings?
My clue would be would be the use of some command with a NFSS classification, but so far, I haven't dealt with the NFSS classifications yet.
Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ Serif style for headings - GaramondNo8
Serif style for headings - GaramondNo8
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
Serif style for headings - GaramondNo8
In the standard document classes, the headings will be in the serif style. If you've set your default serif font to URW Garamond, you should get titles in Garamond.
If you're not getting Garamond in the titles (and are getting, e.g., a sans serif font instead) then it's probably because you're using a different document class or style files (packages) that is changing things. In that case, a minimal working example would be necessary to diagnose why, and figure out how to change them.
If it helps, my personally preferred way of setting my default serif font to Garamond is through the mathdesign package:
...which should work for regular text, math, and -- depending on document class and package -- titles as well. There are other ways too, however. There shouldn't be any need to muck about (directly) with NFSS stuff.
If you're not getting Garamond in the titles (and are getting, e.g., a sans serif font instead) then it's probably because you're using a different document class or style files (packages) that is changing things. In that case, a minimal working example would be necessary to diagnose why, and figure out how to change them.
If it helps, my personally preferred way of setting my default serif font to Garamond is through the mathdesign package:
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