KileKile, filename length limit

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Kile, filename length limit

Post by louisJ »


is there a fileaname length limitation with Kile (Ubuntu 64bits 10.10, texlive)?
If yes can it be increased?

I am asking cause I have this warning:

Code: Select all

LaTeX Warning: File `../Manuscrit/application/figures/PwallHistorybeta001locati
onFirstpeak.pdf' not found on input line 1681.
with line 1681 being:

Code: Select all

\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{\pathfigApplication PwallHistorybeta001locationFirstpeak.pdf}}
I am sure the file is in \pathfigApplication.
When I give it a shorter name, there is no warning.


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Re: Kile, filename length limit

Post by frabjous »

This definitely has nothing to do with Kile. It's LaTeX, not Kile, that can't find the file. I don't think there's a file name limit in LaTeX. I suspect there's another problem, but without knowing more about your set up, and seeing the rest of the document, it's very hard to tell.

Have you tried using the \graphicspath command from the graphicx package rather than defining a command "\pathfigApplication" which may be part of the problem here.
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Re: Kile, filename length limit

Post by louisJ »

thanks for your answer.

I just migrated to Ubuntu, I used to compile the exact same file with texniccenter/miktex in Windows and there were no problem.

I just tried with \graphicspath instead of the definition, and I get the same problem.

Any idea?
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Re: Kile, filename length limit

Post by frabjous »

Is the filename exactly right? IIRC, filenames and paths aren't case sensitive on Windows, but they are in Linux.

In any case, show us the code you're using to set \pathfigApplication, and tell us what path the .tex file is in, and so on.
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