I am new to Latex. I am using MikTex 2.8, WinEdt 6, JABREF 2.6 and Windows Vista. I am creating PDFs, working from a template:
http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/tex ... PSnPDF.zip
I get the following error sometimes when compiling code:
"in inputencoding 'latin1'."
"! package inputenc error: keyboard character used is undefined"
there is no other information in the error message.
After a large amount of time wasted I have found this error is due to when importing BIBTEX references straight from journal websites to JABREF (my reference manger) some of the names/ words have non-ASCII formats (eg cafe with an accent on the "e". eg2 Jurgen with two dots over the u. eg3 a hyphen that is "double length" as opposed to just "-" and so on).
Given MIKTEX gives no information on what causes these errors or where they are, it takes ages to track them down.
Am I missing a package or something? (I have asked MikTex to install all packages at the outset). Do I need to specify another package in my cls classes file?
Many Thanks
Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ inputenc - undefined keyboard character
- localghost
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inputenc - undefined keyboard character
Reduce the problem to a minimal working example (MWE). The forum offers much information on how to do that [1]. Even if it takes you ages. It's just in your own interest. Otherwise this will come to nothing because people are rarely motivated to dig through masses of code thus only can guess.
But I will try a guess and assume that you copied special characters (e. g. with accents) from a file with different encoding.
[1] View topic: Avoidable mistakes
But I will try a guess and assume that you copied special characters (e. g. with accents) from a file with different encoding.
[1] View topic: Avoidable mistakes
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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Avoidable Mistakes[/size]
¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Avoidable Mistakes[/size]
¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1