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Board Rules. You should always construct a complete
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As for your question, in cases like this one, I would probably use minipage environment instead of floats, and
\captionof command provided by
caption package for captions. Here's a quick example:
Code: Select all
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% remove “demo” option to use real images
\newcommand{\figspace}{\hspace{8pt}}% custom spacing between figures
\newcommand{\mpspace}{\vspace{4pt}}% custom spacing between minipages
Some text\ldots
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy A}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy B}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy C}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy D}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy E}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy F}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy G}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy H}
\captionof{figure}{Galaxy I}
I used custom commands for spacing between figures and between minipages because it's easier to change one command than to do corrections in all places. You may also define a new command to set minipage width (e.g.
\newcommand{\mpwidth}{12cm}) and use that command instead of