Document Classesvertical lines in fixed-width supertabular*

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vertical lines in fixed-width supertabular*

Post by baslers »


I have a problem with the placement of the right-most vertical line in a fixed-width supertabular*. As desired, the supertabular* comes out as wide as the text below (\textwidth), but the right-most vertical line is not correctly placed. What can I do about this?

The code for the definition of the table is:


Feel free to have a look at the minimal example in the attachment and the pdf of what I get when I compile it.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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vertical lines in fixed-width supertabular*

Post by Juanjo »

Here is your code with a few changes:

Code: Select all


%\newcolumntype{v}[1]{>{\raggedright \arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}p{#1}}


\tablehead {% 
Description & Com/ Cust & Origin & Destination \tabularnewline
\hline \hline
\hline \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{continued on next page $...$ } \\
\hline \hline	
\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{continued on next page $...$ } \\
\bottomcaption{Overview of Leads}

Emergency Off Lead & Cu & Emergency Off Button & Universal
Motion Interface \tabularnewline

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