BibTeX, biblatex and bibercitation size & reference header

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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citation size & reference header

Post by bobbylou »


I have two questions about bibtex in beamer. First, I'm doing a beamer presentation and I'd like the default size of the citations to be smaller. That is, whenever I type the \cite{} command, I'd like whatever is cited to appear in, say, scriptsize. After much more googling than I'd care to admit, I have come up with the following:

Code: Select all






The problem is that only the author's name is in scriptsize -- everything else, in particular the year, is normal size. Is there a way to make everything scriptsize?

Second, is there a way to not have it say "References" as a section in the header of each slide? I have figured out how to not have a references section in the table of contents -- the "notocbib" option in the \usepackage{apacite} command -- but it still lists "references" as a section in the header and I don't want that.


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citation size & reference header

Post by gmedina »


I wouldn't use

Code: Select all

since this only changes the font size for some parts of the citation. I'd rather define something like

Code: Select all

and use this newly defined command instead of the standard \cite command.

For the other issue, and the use of BibTeX with beamer, please refer to the beamer user guide (Section 10.6 "Adding a Bibliography"):
beamer user guide wrote:You can use the bibliography environment and the \cite commands of LaTeX in a beamer presentation. You will typically have to typeset your bibliography items partly “by hand.” Nevertheless, you can use bibtex to create a “first approximation” of the bibliography. Copy the content of the file main.bbl into your presentation [...] Using bibtex or your editor, place your bibliographic references in the environment thebibliography...
So, it's better not to produce your final bibliography with BibTeX; use it only to obtain a first version of the bibliography and then use the standard LaTeX thebibliogaphy environment to write it, and fine tune it by hand.
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