I have problem with processing with XeLaTeX files in Cyrillic "cp1251" encoding.
Let's consider attached minimal working sample (see attached file for consistency).
Code: Select all
\XeTeXdefaultencoding "cp1251"
\XeTeXinputencoding "cp1251"
Figure 1/Иллюстрация 1
\caption{Figure 1/Иллюстрация 1}
Figure 1/Иллюстрация 2
\caption{Figure 1/Иллюстрация 2}
Figure 1/Иллюстрация 3
\caption{Figure 1/Иллюстрация 3}
The problem appears on page 3, where \listoffigures expanded.
Captions in the List of figures expanded in wrong encoding ("UTF-8" over "cp-1251").
The xxx.lof file in "UTF-8" encoding.
The same problem with
What can I do?
Thanks all in advance,
Sincerely, Stas Fomin