GeneralTexnic Center hangs

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Texnic Center hangs

Post by saibot »

HI all,

For a few months, each time when I want to compile a document in the Texnic Center, the compiler writes in the first line:

"-------------- Ausgabeprofil: LaTeX => PDF---------------"

Then he waits for about 8 to 10 seconds, then he continues compiling quickly as usual. In former times, each document was compiled in about one second, I don't understand, why the compiler requires so long to start compiling. First I thought it is because of the firewall, but after deinstalling the firewall, the problem did not change.
Can anyone help me?

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Re: Texnic Center hangs

Post by chris2u2 »

Did you change your Acrobat Reader?

I once had a problem similar to that - it turned out that the new Acrobat Reader didn't like one of the options I sent to close the document. However, I cannot remember what it was exactly.

Still, consider that it might not be the TeXnicCenter...
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Re: Texnic Center hangs

Post by saibot »

Hi Chris2u2,

thank you very much for the answer. Yes, I think there was an update of the acrobat reader in the past few years. Do you mean that I have to look in the acrobat reader options for the reason of the delay?
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Texnic Center hangs

Post by localghost »

This behaviour occurred on my system while using MiKTeX in the versions 2.5 and 2.6 with TeXnicCenter. Since I upgraded to MiKTeX 2.7, this has been improved and processing the document is started faster.

You can test MiKTeX by processing your document in the command prompt (Eingabeaufforderung). Change the current directory to where your document is and start a run with latex (or pdflatex).

Code: Select all

latex document.tex

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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